Friday, January 9, 2009


so... today is firday.. the fifth day of school reopen..
i dont know why im feling so so so excited for the first day of school.hahah!!
been lazying and buzying all the time for NOTHING.

and monday,tues and freaking thursday i went bukit raja jj right after school for this 3 freaking day..OMG!!
and mr qi jia aka my driver and mr chin heng was non-stop blaming and complaning me bout that...
eh excuse me..haha!! im not doing it on purpose.. haha!!!

then... erm...owh.. sick til now.. i dont know why.. grrr...
and erm...3 of my fren sat luin together.. i dont know why..
sory to hear
but its rather funny.. and SAD...

nothing much happens actually..oya... i stop my tuition at a1..
and go for delta.. gosh.. i think il be thinking for my transport for the whole year..grrr...

sports la... this la... that la...
worst come ECONS me.. grrr...
so scary...

so means dat.. erm.. very long din blog d.. and jz nw read ppl's blog...
and i realise...
somebody is hiding something from me.
i dont know i should have blame or not cause i feel rather pek chek and like out-of-it cz i aspect the person will inform me.. but they dont.. ya.. its "they" not individual...
this is what we call friend?NAH!!

im ending this post with anger.

1 comment:

jolyne♥ said...

who is hiding something from u???